Teach the 
Children Well
Our spiritual investment

A book to support the parenting, teaching and education of children, thereby nourishing a more harmonious society

“This book (should be) read far and wide by teachers, would-be teachers, politicians and especially parents.”

Sandy MacGregor

Students Steps to Success

Director of CALM

Research Centre Sydney

A book to support the parenting, teaching and education of children, thereby nourishing a more harmonious society
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Jonathan commenced teaching in 1971. After working predominantly in high schools, he retrained as a primary teacher completing an MEd (Steiner) in 1999. He believes that the laying of foundation faculties in the home and primary school is paramount for future learning-enjoyment and success.
His major interests are the wisdom of child development, learning readiness and creative teaching. He believes that no child unconsciously says, “I don’t want to read, write and do numbers!” 
He believes that if children are presented with ideal stimulus material, at the ideal time, in an ideal way, they will become (learning difficulties excepted) literate and numerate without unnecessary struggle and antipathy to learning.
After teaching all grades from 1 to 7 in primary school he attests to the ideal stimulus, ideal time and ideal way hypothesis. New neurological findings support this hypothesis.
He now wishes to share the gems of the age- appropriate, creative and truly child-centred principles that can be applied.
He is also a trained remedial movement therapist, and is convinced that movement and learning are inextricably linked. A child who is well oriented in their body is less likely to experience learning difficulties, dyslexia, etc.
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Jonathan Anstock

MEd (Steiner), BA, Teach Cert,

Cert Adult Ed, Adv. Dip. Couns,

Cert Couns Child and Adolesc

Cert Remedial Movement Therapy

  1. BulletRemedial Movement Therapist

  2. Bullet45+ years in education

  3. BulletEducation Queensland International: Teacher Advisor                       

  4. BulletSchool Teacher Accreditation Authority for NSW Institute of Teachers

  5. BulletTeacher mentor 8+ years

  6. BulletIndependent school, Board of Directors, 5 years

  7. BulletCo-principal, 6 years

  8. BulletSenior Teacher

  9. BulletHead of Department

  10. BulletHousemaster

  11. BulletSportsmaster

  12. BulletClass 1 - 12 teacher at independent, state and Catholic schools

  13. BulletSchool pastoral carer

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